A Little Bit About Cameron…

I should have liked, I do confess, to have had the lightest license of a child, and yet to have been man enough to know its value.
— Charles Dickens

When it comes to her artistry, Cameron Cipolla takes a cue from her favorite author. She believes the best way to tap into your creativity is to marry the light heartedness of childhood with the wisdom of adulthood. This is precisely why Cameron’s work focuses primarily on nostalgia, allowing her the opportunity to reflect on past experiences through a more fully developed world lens. Her efforts to develop this world lens brought her to Italy, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, and many other countries throughout her young adult life. Although her vision started to become fully formed when she was at Belmont University as a commercial voice major, her story begins much earlier.

Cameron was born in Los Angeles, CA and from an early age began participating in plays and musicals. She jumped at any opportunity to perform on stage, eventually performing in over forty musicals throughout her childhood in addition to taking voice, acting, and dance classes. When she entered high school, her love for storytelling became much more serious, and she was determined to develop her craft and branch out from musical theater. As a sophomore, she competed against about seventy other students in a Shakespeare festival where she won second place in the monologue category. Not long after, she earned the opportunity to star in a short film alongside esteemed actor, Tina Cole. Cameron already knew the joy of performing on a stage, and now she had a new desire to be in front of a camera. When her college career took her to Nashville, TN, Cameron had the chance to explore a new passion: performing behind a microphone.

Cameron’s commercial voice degree allowed her to sing many different styles of music including opera, country, pop, folk, alternative, musical theater, and more. While at Belmont she was part of an ensemble called Pops, where she dabbled in arranging, background vocals, and choreographing. When she would return to LA for the summers, she would work with a television and film composer on his new musical, recording demos and participating in an industry table read. In her junior year of college, after taking a semester to study at Florence University of the Arts in Florence, Italy, she found a way to merge several of her passions by diving into the world of cabaret.

Now, Cameron is a Belmont graduate and has returned to Los Angeles, where she continues to pursue her love for storytelling through acting and singing. She is still committed to the ideals instilled in her by Dickens, allowing her hard-earned wisdom and bright-eyed naiveté to work together and ultimately lead her to success. Please continue to check her website periodically to see her upcoming projects and performances.